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Blender Class for High School!

We have just started a new chapter for us, we have been invited in Rome's Cinematographic High School: Cine-TV Roberto Rossellini, to have a 10-lessons course for a selected number of students.

These young adults will start to learn how Blender works, to get them closer both to the world of animation and technology, helping them to start to build a strong creative and artistic personality.

The lessons will be held by Luca Di Cecca (Blender Trainer Certified ) and Umberto Salerni that will teach them the basic processes of the 3D modeling and animation and some general notions on the many uses of #Blender.

This is a great experience for us too, to be able to get in contact with brilliant young minds, hear their thoughts and get in contact with the new generation to share wisdom on both sides!

In the meantime we keep working on our great projects, can't wait to share with you all!

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